Video-based scene analysis and human-machine interfaces at the highest level
Here you will find beside the company profile information about competitions, awards, certificates, and our partners.
Company Profile
CanControls is a young innovative company, founded in 2005 by Dr. Ulrich Canzler parallel to its PhD.
Core competencies are in the range of innovative human-machine interfaces, real-time image processing and video-based scene analysis. With its products CanControls has already won several prestigious competitions and awards.
With its close connection to the RWTH Aachen succeeds CanControls to develop extremely attractive and highly innovative products.
Awards & Competitions
Despite of its short history CanControls has already won many prestigious competitions of its own. Our products are distinguished by their high degree of innovation and their intuitive usability. Find out more about the success story of our company:
Innovationspreis Region Aachen 2007
Innovation is the engine of the economy! In order to recognize the power of creative minds accordingly, the Aachen region and the districts of Düren, Euskirchen and Heinsberg impart the innovation prize Aachen innovative regional companies annually. The price is given as an award for outstanding entrepreneurial achievements. In August CanControls could win the second place of the competition in a solemn ceremony.
StartUp-Wettbewerb 2006
The German Business Founder Award is the most important award for outstanding entrepreneurs in Germany. It is awarded for exemplary performance in the development of innovative and viable business ideas and build new businesses. In August 2006 CanControls this prestigious award for the second place in the state competition was awarded by the jury.
Wolfgang Heilmann Preis 2006
Die gemeinnützige „Integrata-Stiftung für humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie“ unterstützt Forschungsvorhaben, Bildunggseinrichtungen und Realisierungsprojekte. Jährlich vergibt sie den Wolfgang Heilmann Preis für herausragende Beiträge zur Umsetzung der modernen Informationstechnologie im Sinne ihrer humanen Nutzung, also für Arbeiten, die wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Arbeits- und Erwerbslebens leisten. Es werden vor allem Arbeiten gefördert, die über den Erkenntnisfortschritt hinaus Gestaltungsvorschläge unterbreiten. Im Jahr 2006 konnte CanControls diesen Preis entgegennehmen.
NUK Businessplan-Wettbewerb 2005
Das neue Unternehmertum Rheinland e.V. (NUK) veranstaltet einmal im Jahr den NUK- Businessplan-Wettbewerb. Ziel des Wettbewerbs ist es, den individuellen Businessplan mit Hilfe von Experten schrittweise in drei Stufen zu entwickeln und zu verfeinern. Am Ende jeder der drei Wettbewerbsstufen werden die besten Konzepte prämiert. Wichtigste Auswahlkriterien für die Jury sind der tatsächliche Marktbedarf und das mögliche Wachstumspotenzial der Geschäftsidee, die Qualifikation und Dynamik des Gründerteams sowie Vollständigkeit, Übersichtlichkeit und Plausibilität der Daten und Annahmen.
Innovationspreis der Initiative Mittelstand 2008
Der INNOVATIONSPREIS der Initiative Mittelstand schlägt jährlich die Brücke zwischen Innovationen und dem Mittelstand, indem er medienwirksam die innovativsten und mittelstandsgeeignetsten Produkte und Lösungen auszeichnet. Die Auszeichnung wird dem Bedürfnis des Mittelstandes nach praxisrelevantem Know-How und Informationstransfer im Bereich der ITK gerecht und gibt mittelständischen Unternehmen Impulse zur Steigerung ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.
Crédit d’impôt recherche
From French Ministry for Higher Education and Research CanControls received approval for the tax credit on research expenses (CIR). Through this regulation, companies receive tax credits if they perform creditable research achievements through certified service provider.
With the high-tech start-up initiative “unternimm was.” Strengthens Microsoft together with partners from industry, science and policy innovation and competitiveness of the business location Germany.
Since March 2008, is now also CanControls as a young high-tech startup member of the initiative. The promotion ranges from free workshops for teaching sales and marketing expertise on access to customer and partner networks from Microsoft to delivering technology solutions.
“Unternimm was.” Works with numerous start-up networks, centers together and organizers of business plan competitions. supported at national level “unternimm was.” “successful start with multimedia” competition and the German Internet Prize. Under sponsorship of selected high-tech start-up Microsoft support their technological advancement and supports them in sales and marketing matters.
An Expert Advisory Group to the initiative and developed recommendations for politics and business to support young companies.
Within a short time CanControls has made a name as a company that provides highly innovative and attractive solutions for unusual problems. On the pages of technology and skills, find out more about our work!